Thursday, July 18, 2019

Future of Policing Proposal Essay

Policing is not just memory the peace in todays society. Police officers stool several responsibilities and withal new engineering science to learn. New engine room helps virtue enforcement preform a reveal job in communication, crime solving, diminish crime and making communities a remedy place to live for citizens and their families. biometry and GPS tracking are two ingestionful technologies that support made the practice of integrity able to closure criminals, and solve crimes quicker and more sufficient. biostatistics modalities utilize by law enforcement is palpatemarks, deoxyribonucleic acid (Blood), and patterns of the voice and faces of victims. Then GPS Tracking helps law enforcement keep track of separate police officers, or GPS tummy be apply to tract a suspect if he or she is running away from the law. on that point are numerous vehicles that come regulation with the GPS form that makes it easier for law enforcement to track a car if it has bee n stolen the owner.The future of the GPS tracking transcription may be identifying as going things like, the sends, cameras, computers that entrust have been powerful, every(prenominal) in all just leaving all the complicated technology in the past. In todays time you engage three piece of cash in ones chipsing satellites in differentiate to get to a good abounding signal for your GPS, and even then you it tycoon take a minute or two to get an accurate destined location. There are places all roughly the world where you tidy sumnot get any satellite signal, and even in big cities, it can become very difficult to get signal.The world-first approach to visual navigation algorithms, which has been dubbed SeqSLAM (Sequence synchronous Localization and Mapping), uses local best equip and sequence recognition components to lock in locations. SeqSLAM uses the premiss that you are already in a specific location and tests that assumption over and overagain. For example if I a m in a kitchen in an office gag rule, the algorithm makes the assumption Im in the office block, looks nigh and identifies signs that equalize a kitchen. Then if I stepped out into the corridor it would test to see if the corridor matches the corridor in the existing data of the office block lay out. Said by Dr. Michael Milford from Queensland University of technology (QUT).biometry is all the quantifiable biologic or behavioral characteristics used for the appellative and classification of individuals. reproduces are the most car park biometric modality used by law enforcement, but there are others. These modalities entangle deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), voice and facial patterns. Biometrics also consists of all the various technologies used to categorize and allow human characteristics.Biometric reproduce scanning works because reproduces are unparalleled to each individual. People are natural with a pattern of ridges and valleys on their fingerbreadths. These patt erns are created thru a number of genetic and environmental factors. As a unique marker, a skilled analyst or a fingermark scanner can recognize the patterns and use it to identify the person the fingerprint belongs to. Biometric fingerprint authentication is used to securing access code to schooling and technology. The fingerprint of an trustworthy exploiter is scanned and unbroken on record. The user swipes its finger along the scanner and only those with the proper(a) clearance is allowed to enter or have access to the development.The Federal representation of investigating has a biometric governing body known as Integrated Automated Fingerprint acknowledgment System (IAFIS). The system is a national fingerprint and criminal history catalog. The system is available to law enforcement officers from the local, state, and federal levels. It allows an operation to makes inquiries 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. IAFIS aids policing organizations in solving and preventing crimes and spotting criminals before they break the law again. The system gives law enforcement access to its automatic fingerprint database, its considerable search capacity, electronic protrude storage, and allows for the electronic exchange of fingerprints. The system contains the information on over 70 one million million criminal subjects in its master register along with the fingerprints of 73,000 known and suspected terrorists investigated by the linked States and international law enforcement agencies. all in all biometric systems do have a authorization weakness associated with it. Unlike passwords and pin codes which can be changed easily, fingerprints cannot be altered. Should the stored digital facsimile be stolen and used for fraudulent transactions, the user would have little recourse to correct the situation as they cannot change their prints. They would be unable to use any biometric fingerprint scanner in the future as there will always be doubts and concern s about the authenticity of their prints.Gun use and safety is an important issue around the world and peculiarly in the United States. Mytec Technologies are working with American firearms producer Smith & Wesson on a offend gun. The partnership is intended to create a gun that will prevent anyone other than authorized users from shooting the branch. The focus of the sound out venture is to build a programmable pistol which will prevent any inadvertent shootings. The system will use finger tip sensor on the cope of the gun that will read the fingerprint. It will then convert the fingerprint into a digital medium and compare the impertinently scanned fingerprint against the authorized directory stored inside the scanner. The weapon system will unlock and can be fired if and only if a match is found.An issue yet to be remedied is the fancy of the users biometric data. A database of authorized users will need to be created and kept secured. Will a government way of life hav e to be created to control of this data or will it be under the purview of the users? The second issue which has arisen is how many authorized fingerprints will be allowed per weapon? Should there be a rebound or will it be at the owners discretion as to how many fingerprints are authorized? These issues mustiness be solved before the technology is allowed to be sold to the public. Being good and effective is a must when it comes to policing this includes exploitation any and all forms of youthful technology.Relying on technology is a must especially when it comes to the need and the importance of vital information. Since this information canhave an extreme union of influence on any give the circumstance, it is important that the information being provided is accurate. Biometrics and GPS Tracking are important forms of current technology that help provide such(prenominal) information such as facial recognition and location of suspects at a very accurate rate. Without the us e of modern technology to aid the police with the work they do, providing efficient and effective police work can prove difficult.ReferencesFederal Bureau of Investigation. (2014, May 08). Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System. Retrieved from http// Fox News. (2001, January 25). yearn Gun, Smart Solution? Retrieved from http// worldwide (2011, July 13). Homeland Security Biometrics. Retrieved from http//

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